Take Action on Cannabis Legislation in North Dakota

Here are the bills that are currently being considered by North Dakota legislators.

To support or oppose a certain bill, contact the original sponsors of the bill and your local representatives, to tell them your opinions.

Session Bill Number Document Key Issue Bill Name Sponsored By Contact Sponsor
69th Legislative Assembly HB1596 DETAILS Proposes amendments to the North Dakota Century Code to establish noncriminal violations for marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, and paraphernalia possession, modify related penalties, and provide for associated penalties. Penalties for the possession of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, or paraphernalia; and to provide a penalty Liz Conmy (D), Gretchen Dobervich (D), Austin Foss (D), Pat Heinert (R), Jared Hendrix (R), Eric Murphy (R), Matt Ruby (R), Steve Vetter (R), Joshua Boschee (D), Ryan Braunberger (D) Liz Conmy, Gretchen Dobervich, Austin Foss, Pat Heinert, Jared Hendrix, Eric Murphy, Matt Ruby, Steve Vetter, Joshua Boschee, Ryan Braunberger